Tuesday 6 November 2012

Why I have conversations?

If I think about how many conversations I have in a day, it’s actually pretty overwhelming. I can’t even begin to imagine how much information was processed throughout all those conversations during the day. Our brains absorb information like sponges, not just information, but the brain analyses and processes things quickly without us knowing, leaving us with a vast impression of people.

Image source: worldoflongmire.com

When I converse with people it’s usually for three reasons, namely:
  • I like the person, and I'm genuinely interested in what they’re saying.
  • Forced conversations (sigh). There is nothing worse than this, because most of the time it’s pretty difficult to get out of.
  • To fill the gaps. Group discussions or any discussion for that matter can be very awkward at times whether we like it or not. This is why most people will blabber on about useless things just to fill the silence and force normalcy. I guess we all can appreciate that because no one in their right mind likes awkwardness, I know I don’t! 

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