Thursday, 1 November 2012

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

With all these tech-savvy online newcomers, there are bound to be consequences.  I will list my most dreaded online issues…

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  1.  Procrastination – and yes, of course this will be the top of my list. As most 22 year olds, I am a procrastinator at heart. I love leaving things until the last moment or until trouble is around the corner. When doing work, what usually happens is, various tabs open magically and all of a sudden I am engrossed in all sorts of useless online nonsense.
  2. Sucked in by unprofessional professionals – On the internet we find so many ordinary people who pretend to be something out of the ordinary. These are your scammers, certain marketers, ‘professional’ bloggers, etc.
  3. We believe everything we see – It’s easy to get caught up in the lies of the web, we become so accustomed to everything that’s available on the internet, that we don’t even question it.
  4. Joining social networking sites – It’s always good to be connected and networking via social networks is rapidly becoming a big part of businesses, but it can quickly get too much, especially when you have to manage and maintain all of them.
  5. Not having a life There was a time where I was so absorbed in all my activities online that I my actual life got put on hold. That definitely won’t happen again!
  6. Lack of face-to-face communication – With the amount of alternatives available, we don’t really need to make a phone calls or arrange a meeting any more  Without knowing what a person look or sounds like, we can do business and make important decisions with them. Yes it’s really convenient but is it all good, the type of society we've become?
  7. Engaging with potential freaks – Let’s face it, there are extreme weirdo's out there, and what better platform for them than the internet?
  8. Having your parents as ‘friends’ – It isn't just the young hip and happening society that are involved with social networking, the older generations are also quickly catching on, and quite honestly they are putting it to use in better ways than you can imagine.
  9. Reality vs. Fiction – Sometimes being online too much makes us unable to draw the line as to what’s real and what’s not. It’s easy to deny it, but the online sphere is a complete world of its own.
  10.  …Well I couldn't think of a 10th one but I just felt the need to round it off.

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