Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tips for a good CV

Image source: robert1williams.wordpress.com
  1. Your CV should be laser-printed in black ink using a plain typeface, on good quality A4 white/cream paper. Decorative borders are not necessary, nor are photographs of yourself.
  2. Your CV should ideally cover no more than two pages and never more than three. Aim to ensure the content is clear, structured, concise and relevant. Using bullet points rather than full sentences can help minimise word usage
  3. A basic CV may need tailoring to each job application.
  4. The completed CV needs to be checked carefully for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and to ensure that it makes sense. Ask an 'independent' party to review the whole document before it is sent out.
  5. Remember when writing and structuring your CV that it is essentially marketing you and that a potential employer will use the details provided to form interview questions. It should be clear and easy to read. Gaps in career history should be explained and falsehoods and inaccuracies avoided at all costs.
  6. There is no reason to include your reasons for leaving each job on your CV but be prepared to answer these questions in your interview.
  7. Current salary details should not be included.
  8. A good covering letter should always accompany your CV.

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