The other morning I woke up feeling like a hail storm had just hit me. I dragged my feet out of bed with a heavy heart and pushed on with my usual routine. Before even taking a step outside my house, I knew that it was going to be a very crappy day. The weather was miserable, my family was miserable and I was just miserable, naturally.
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I then started thinking about all of this and I realised
that I was being so unnecessary so I changed my attitude immediately and I ended
up having a really good day. That silly example goes to show that we can fight
past the little things.
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We decide the outcome of our days, whether it’s going to be
good or bad or mediocre. We decide this by the attitude we have and the choices
that we make. We can all make that
choice to be happy. I find it helpful to surround myself with happy people, because
for the most times happiness tends to be contagious.
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