Sunday, 13 May 2012

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

It’s rather hard to get ahead when you’re living in denial. Too often you see naïve individuals who lie to themselves continuously and pretend that everything is fine- especially those in toxic and draining relationships/ friendships. When you lie to yourself, it can only accomplish two things; it can assist you in believing that you live a wonderful life and it can prevent you from getting ahead.

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That’s not an accomplishment; it’s a failure more so.You are fooling no one but yourself when you choose to not see certain aspects in your life. The best thing to do would be to give it up and start valuing yourself enough to be honest with yourself, even if it hurts to do so. If you can’t do that then seek help or reassess the life that you are currently living and draw up the pros and cons to see if it is all worth living a lie. 
Even though it is a poor idea to lie to yourself, we all do it.

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The sound of one hand clapping.

Have you ever experienced moments where you find your own joke super funny but no one else laughs? Or when you think something is so awesome, only to find out that everyone else thinks it’s dumb?

Such a crappy feeling, I would know. That’s the thing with being yourself, sometimes no one gets you and it’s quite sad actually. Even so, I believe it’s better to be slightly misunderstood, rather than trying to impress other people or get them to like you.

So if you say something less than charming, if no one laughs at your jokes, or if people just don’t get you in general. Just know that you are doing something right. :) 

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