Friday, 13 April 2012

Beautiful but dysfunctional.

As beautiful as some relationships may be, sometimes you’re just not destined to be with the one you love. Some are truly in love, while others find themselves infatuated or addicted to their partner but when a relationship is toxic and dysfunctional, no matter what you do and how you fight for it, it is destined to fail. Like oil and water, it can't mix.

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We would all like to believe in fate and destiny and that true love will push through all existing boundaries. That is what movies make us believe. But the reality is that we create our own destiny and luck. We must choose partners that complement us, not those who bring out the worst in us. We must never choose a partner for their looks but rather their character, and loyalty to us. Choose your path wisely. 

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Bad boys are always appealing in every sense of the word. They’re attractive, charming, funny- you name it. But after they hurt you and break your heart, that charm and sparkle that was once there disappears and all that you’re left with is a wounded heart and a broken relationship that is going nowhere slowly, and one that you can’t get out of.   

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Not all who wander are lost.

As individuals, we are all different. No single person is the exact same as the next, despite their similarities. Even so, a lot of us try and change ourselves to become more like the next person which really doesn’t make any sense in my opinion. Our individuality is what makes us beautiful and unique in this pretentious universe filled with people who strive to be the same as everyone else.

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A lot of us feel like outsiders when we don’t do or act like the people around us, but what we don’t realise is that we’re actually taking a stand and not succumbing to the pull of society. Not all who wander away from the norm are lost. The lost ones are those who aren’t their own person, and who follow everyone else. Whether it’s acting or speaking like someone else, dressing like them, it all comes down to the fact that you aren’t being who you’re meant to be. Yes it’s good to have role models but you shouldn’t strive to copy and be exactly like them, instead you should let them inspire you to be a greater YOU. So I say; form your own opinions, dress the way you want to (whether it’s deemed fashionable or not), say what you want to say and just enjoy life and who are because there is no better version of you than yours truly.

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As a woman you will sometimes find that tears fall for no apparent reason and it will come out of nowhere like a bolt of lightning. When you can’t express how you’re feeling and can’t tell anyone about it, or just when you hold your feelings inside for too long. At these times, all you want to do is just crawl under the covers and cry your heart out until there are no dry spots left on your pillow.

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 When you have bad days or when nothing seems to go right. The thing that makes you feel better is just to cry. Crying is a way of expressing our most dark and secret bottled up feelings. We as women also take on a lot in life; crying gives us the strength to keep going when things are rough. I believe that crying is not a sign of weakness but a sign of ultimate strength, because just when we think things are about to fall apart, we always have a way of putting them back together. That’s how we’re designed to be. So our tears are to be used whenever we want, because we’ve definitely earned it.

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

When diving into big decisions, there is always a chance that you might fail or slip up. Life is one big gamble and everything happens by chance, all you have to do is leap forward and take it. When things seem way out of reach you must take control of the situation by remaining positive. A good friend once said to me, “What the mind believes the body can achieve.” That saying is really true because once you put your mind to something, the world works in your favour and makes the impossible, possible.

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The way the law of attraction works is that when you declare you have something, the universe brings it to you. The only reason a delay might occur is because there may be a part of you that does not believe you deserve it or maybe negativity is so deeply rooted into your way of thinking that it consumes you and overcomes all good your thoughts.

Since our thoughts become our actions, we should always try to be positive, as only good can come from it. Anything is achievable if you put your mind to it.

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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Rambo ♥

For the moments that you were mine, 
I replay it in my mind a thousand times.
I wish I never had to see you go, 
But it was for the best, that I know.
You brought me so much joy and laughter,
If I had just one more minute to spend with you,
I’d let go of you after.
I miss you snuggling up at my feet when the days were cold,
Oh how I wish that you were here to hold.
You went too soon my sweet baby, but I’ll always keep faith that I’ll see you again someday, maybe.  
Rest In Peace Rambo, I will miss you forever.

We are what we do.

In life, the choices we make and the things we do reflect upon us. It makes us who we are and it sets us apart from the rest. This life we’re living is but a blink of an eye, it could come to an abrupt end at any given moment and this is why we need to do things that will make a difference.

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When doing something, we should do it for ourselves and not to please anyone else. The minute we do things to please others, we lose sight of what’s really important. We also need to realise that the minute we do something, we can’t undo it so the choices we make and the things we decide to do will all become a part of who we are and what we will become in the future. 

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A few tips:
  1. Stay true to yourself. There is no one that can ever be you but YOU.
  2. Do things that you can be proud of. Before you do anything, always think about if it’s something worth being proud of and if your friends and family will approve.
  3. Know what’s right from wrong. A clear conscience is always needed throughout life.
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