When I was a kid, I always heard the phrase ‘Jealousy makes
you nasty, nasty makes you ugly.’ Nothing is truer than that because if you’re
a jealous person it shows. Everything that you feel inside always has a way of
coming through the surface and showing on your face.
Image source: spicyflavours.net
Jealousy is a very bitter emotion. It can ruin friendships
and break up marriages. It’s natural to have feelings of jealousy at times but
if it’s more than a tinge, it becomes a problem. Have you ever wondered where
these feelings come from? Jealousy is a combination of anger and fear. It stems
from insecurities and the fear of losing something or someone that’s important
to you and it also has to do with your perception of yourself and others. This
naturally leads to feelings of anger and resentment.
Image source: workitmom.com
There are ways to deal with feelings of jealousy, and one of
the most important things you need to do is understand where it’s coming from,
and then try to ‘feel’ those emotions in a healthy way and learn from it. No
two people are the same and that is the beauty of this world we live in. We
should never focus on what other’s have, but rather concentrate on our own life
and look for the beauty in it.
Image source: colourbox.com
Jealousy in love on the other hand stems from trust issues.
Once you have worked through those issues, you should then work on your self-esteem.
If you have confidence in yourself, it is more unlikely that you’d allow
jealousy have that power over you.
Image source: seemillietri.blogspot.com