Friday, 16 March 2012


When I was a kid, I always heard the phrase ‘Jealousy makes you nasty, nasty makes you ugly.’ Nothing is truer than that because if you’re a jealous person it shows. Everything that you feel inside always has a way of coming through the surface and showing on your face.

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Jealousy is a very bitter emotion. It can ruin friendships and break up marriages. It’s natural to have feelings of jealousy at times but if it’s more than a tinge, it becomes a problem. Have you ever wondered where these feelings come from? Jealousy is a combination of anger and fear. It stems from insecurities and the fear of losing something or someone that’s important to you and it also has to do with your perception of yourself and others. This naturally leads to feelings of anger and resentment.

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There are ways to deal with feelings of jealousy, and one of the most important things you need to do is understand where it’s coming from, and then try to ‘feel’ those emotions in a healthy way and learn from it. No two people are the same and that is the beauty of this world we live in. We should never focus on what other’s have, but rather concentrate on our own life and look for the beauty in it.

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Jealousy in love on the other hand stems from trust issues. Once you have worked through those issues, you should then work on your self-esteem. If you have confidence in yourself, it is more unlikely that you’d allow jealousy have that power over you.

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We are afraid of the wrong things.

Ever since I found out I had to do a presentation in front of my class, I became afraid. It’s the kind of fear that cripples me and makes my stomach churn. The idea of standing in front of everyone, and having all eyes on me is a very daunting thought. When I get nervous, no matter how well I prepare, I will forget what I’m supposed to say and start to shake. A lot of the time, my out-spoken nature is misinterpreted for confidence, but I truly hate being the centre of attention. I’d rather be somewhere in the background watching my classmates do their thing.

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This whole thing got me thinking about my reasons for being afraid. All I had to do was stand up and speak about something that I prepared for beforehand.  So why was I so afraid? If your classmates do better presentations than professionals, it’s enough to make anyone intimidated. Everyone is different though; some might be great at public speaking, while others might be good at writing or doing math. You might be super confident and have a friend that is the most introverted person on this earth.

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When the time came for me to do my presentation, I gave myself a pep talk and told myself that this isn’t a big deal (although it really did feel like it) and that everything was going to be okay. Most times we are afraid of the wrong things. We are crippled with fear when doing a presentation, but we will drive recklessly in our cars and risk our lives. When put it into that perspective, I realise that there are far worse things to be afraid of, and it makes me feel better.

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Thursday, 8 March 2012


I was taking a trip down memory lane the other day, while looking through some old photographs, and realized that some of my best and most treasured memories were made with my best friends. We met in our first year of high school, and it was a match made in heaven.  From the moment we all laid eyes on each other, we were inseparable.

A wonderful memory that I keep close to my heart, is when one of us had a birthday, we would always bring gifts and cake and make it special for each other. We'd also go to each other's houses, and instead of doing work, we would swim or have fun instead. The rebels we were.

When I think back to all those times, I realise that we all have grown up and changed. It was inevitable though, we all knew that was going to happen. Even so, our friendship has remained and we still mean the world to each other.

Friends can bring light and laughter when days are dark, they can always make you smile by just being themselves, and most importantly they fill your heart with such love.I hope that everyone finds friends like this. Life's just better with them around, and I'd never want to imagine a world without them.

Fish falling from the sky.

When you’re going through a breakup, there is one thing that friends and family never fail to mention to you, “There are plenty of fish in the sea”. That's not really what you want to hear, but even so there is always some form of comfort in that silly phrase as it makes light of difficult or awkward situations.

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When I hear the expression, “Fish falling from the sky”, I think of Tina Turner and her infamous song, “It’s raining men” (Hallelujah). How we all wish that it could one day just start raining men, I mean fish!  

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In reality, imagine it rained cats and dogs and fish did fall from the sky. Or can you imagine there being plenty of men in the ocean. I guess some things are just better left for the imagination...

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Friday, 2 March 2012

8 Things you need to let go of.

Sometimes holding on to certain things and people can have a negative impact on your life. The key is to set yourself apart from those things and allow yourself to become the best person you can be.

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Here are 8 things you need to let go of in order to get there:
  1. People in your life who don’t appreciate you. If those in your life only make an appearance when they want something from you, it’s time to get rid of them. If they overlook your worth, you need to move on because are many people in the world who would give you the appreciation and acknowledgement that you deserve.
  2.  Being someone you’re not. There is nothing more refreshing than individuality. Everyone who purposefully tries to be different ends up being the same.
  3.  The past. The past can consume you if you let it, fair enough the past becomes a part of who you are, but don’t allow it to change you and affect your future.
  4.  The need to fit in. When you try to fit in you may change the way you speak and act, and you may even do things you’d usually never think of doing. Don’t live your life being a puppet, it will never last and you won’t be happy.
  5. The need to impress. The only thing you can possibly gain from this is to be liked and accepted by everyone. If someone does not accept you for who you are, why should they get this power over you?
  6. Grudges. When holding a grudge, all you hold in your heart is hate. Life’s short, so forgive and be forgiven. No one’s perfect.
  7. Fear of not being good enough. Never doubt your beauty and potential; if those in your life can’t see how great you are, then they aren't as great as you think they are.
  8. Depending on others for your happiness. Before someone can make you happy, you need to find happiness within.  We often do things for others which is great, but we must never neglect our own happiness because once the people in our lives leave us, we only have ourselves.

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Life is too short to hold onto things that hold us back. Sometimes we just need to let go, and focus on what lies ahead.  

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Thursday, 1 March 2012

What is the colour of the wind?

Some days when I look around me, all I see is darkness. I see past the scenery, the sunshine and the beautiful people that walk before me. At times like these all I tend to see are big black clouds hanging over my head. I tend to then dwell in my own misery.

Other days I see the beauty in the littlest of things. When a stranger and I exchange smiles, or when I see our captivating mountains and our deep blue oceans. Sometimes I am just thankful for my health and my family. Or just the fact that I’m a mother to six beautiful cats. 

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We all have the choice of getting out on the right side of the bed. We determine how our days go, whether it would be a good one, or a terrible one. So I ask the question, what is the colour of the wind that blows you today?

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Is it a bright wind full of colour and happiness, or is it a dark wind that burdens your soul and blackens your heart? If today you happen to have a dark day, just remember that the winds will change tomorrow.